Saturday, November 7, 2009

How this all started (and where it's taken me) Part 2

I wrote about my start in endurance sports here in a post a couple of months ago. I wanted to write about where this has taken me. What this passion has done for me has had many positive benefits. The obvious are the physical benefits I enjoy. I always feel good. I never get sick. I don't have any aches, pains, etc. that accumulate when one is unhealthy. This lifestyle has been a good example for my kids. They all want to "be like Daddy" and are all active in sports. They run, swim and my oldest bikes. I think it's set a good foundation for their future. This has taken me to a new confidence level. I mentioned in my previous post that I had a parent who consistently told me that I wasn't good at things. Well, the result of this was a lack self esteem that pretty much stayed with me until I started with the endurance sports lifestyle. Not long after I started doing these sports, I started accomplishing things that very few people do. It was probably in the late 90's, early 2000's or so when I started to see some success in the endurance sports world.  I started to develop a self confidence that carried over to my professional life. I don't think it's any coincidence that I started to achieve high levels of success in my job right after achieving high levels of success in sport. This made me a better husband, father and friend because I was reaching goals on a consistent basis. I just felt better about myself. It helped me realized that my lack of self esteem was given to me by someone else. It took 30+ years but I had finally realized that self esteem needs to come from within and I'd let this mean person dictate how I felt about myself. Every day, A new level of success was being reached whether in sports, work or life in general. As a result of all of this, my life today has balance. I don't miss my kids events. I never call into work sick. I spend time with my friends. I train. All of these things are important to me within the balance of my family life. The sport aspect is the outlet that keeps me mentally fresh from the things we all deal with that can knock us down. It's my tool that allows me to get back up.

1 comment:

  1. I look forward to your final chapter. I agree with all the points you make and know that doing what we makes us better husbands, fathers, and just generally better. Godspeed! Glenn
